HE1800 (Series AC Surge Protector)

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The HE1800 has been specifically designed for use on type 170 controllers, although it may be used on NEMA controllers. Because of the high quality of this protector, it may be used as a stand-alone device without the use an external line filter. If an external line filter is required, it is recommended that a HESCO/RLS line filter be used.

The HE1800 is a multi-stage, high-energy suppressor that incorporates a sophisticated, inline EMI/RFI filter. The inline filter has been designed to effectively reject random noise and spikes from 10KHz to 25MHz. The primary and secondary clamp stages are separated by an inductive network, yet work together to give clamp voltages of under 395 volts at 20KA (8 x 20uS).

If random data base memory loss or any other transient interference is effecting the safe operation of one or more of your intersections, the HE1800 surge protector will quickly and effectively eliminate the problem.

Download Specifications Sheet (PDF}


Peak Surge Current (8x20us) 66KA
Max Clamp Voltage 395VAC
Continuous Service Current 15 Amps Max.
Operating Temperature -40 to 85°C
Life Test
<5% change in clamp voltage after 25 surges of 25KA
(8x20uS) Plastic Baseplate
*Unit was tested with neutral strapped to the ground terminal. Plastic Baseplate
Spike Test using Berkley Model 3020 Noise Generator:
Input spike voltage 700 volts P-P
Maximum voltage excursion above/below sine wave at all phase angles, 0 to 180 degrees 30 volts


  • Multi-Stage Surge Arrestor
  • Protects Against Lightning and Other Power Surges
  • Clamps Harmful Surges Quickly
  • Completely Weatherproof
  • Immediately Self-Restores After Each Surge
  • Filter Component Meets MIL-STD-220A Insertion Loss Specifications